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NextGen offers Ultra High End Luxury Homes with a Bitcoin Mortgage Locations: Available worldwide 10 Bullet points of the Bitcoin Houses One of the most important things to understand with traditional mortgage financing is that with a mortgage the banks owns your home and you, while with the Bitcoin House mortgage you own the Bank. So the real question is what do you prefer, a 30-40 year mortgage where the Bank owns you, or a Bitcoin House mortgage, that is paid off in 2-5 years and you become a Bank and you own the Bank. It’s really that simple. NextGen is the developer and architectural designer of The First Income Generating Homes in the World and The First Bitcoin Homes in the world where a 30 year mortgage is knocked down to a 2-5 year Bitcoin Mortgage.  The Bitcoin Houses are Actually life changing! • Owning your own bank aka data processing center for Bitcoin transactions •

The Future of Home Ownership is changing with BITCOIN and NextGen Living Homes JP DZAHR is an American entrepreneur who’s background is in Crypto currencies, Architectural design and Web Application Development from Seattle, Washington. Mr. DZAHR gained international attention for the Bitcoin House Series Architectural design and concept of the Bitcoin Mortgage in 2015 when he started his new company Next Generation Living Homes in Phoenix, AZ. It was this first personal project where he established the “concept of the Bitcoin Mortgage” designer of The First Income Generating Homes and The First Bitcoin Homes in the world where a 30 year mortgage is knocked down to a 2-5 year Bitcoin Mortgage. NextGen brings the Blockchain and crypto currency to the Bitcoin House. This is a paradigm shift in home ownership, which allows robotics and computers to work for us and generate an income that helps with our mortgages. This is our vision

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Next Gen Living Homes
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The Circular Bitcoin House
The Magnificent Cantilever
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