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HomePosts tagged "make a donation to NextGen"

Donate here to Support our Future Work [ct_column_half] From NextGen Living Homes Dear Friends & Visionaries, We need your help to sustain our journey and to change how humanity, people like you and me that want to own a home, break the ball and chain from the lifetime of paying a mortgage. Your Mortgage is your biggest purchase in life and it never goes away. Our Fundraiser is just one of the ways you can help. You’ve seen the designs of the Bitcoin Houses, you know the value that Bitcoin brings and you understand we are changing the world with our concepts. NextGen matters more than ever as a reliable source for emerging financial technologies. Rather than robots taking our jobs away, we can use robots to earn and pay our mortgages and sustain our living too. We’ve been delivering the solution for 8 years now and NOW we need your help to sustain this

Next Gen Living Homes
Our Presentation
The Circular Bitcoin House
The Magnificent Cantilever
The All Star Dream Home
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